A disappointment. 'Mile 22' fails to deliver on what turns out to be a potentially interesting story. Mark Wahlberg's character is unlikable at times - the wristband thing with Silva was more annoying than meaningful. There's a lot of action which is somewhat entertaining but overall the characters don't really get developed.
Frank Darabont非常喜欢模糊一部电影的中心或说给予人们一个不落俗套的结局但这种思想并不是“励志”安迪的自由又何尝不是导演扭曲的“希望”乳峰乱颤娇喘连连这样逃避而不负责任的“自由”是否积极是否值得鼓励——不要披着“励志”的皮卖“人生”的肉